Established in 1927, we have seen many candy trends come and go, and we are often asked about the history of candy and the current craze for retro sweets.
Perhaps we could say that the fascination with candy, particularly chocolate, first occurred in 1502 when Christopher Columbus returned home from his fourth voyage of the "Americas." Although he was not partial to this bittersweet treat, his benefactors in Spain found it fascinating and consumed it in a liquid format.
Compiled by Jon Prince

In England, during the eighteenth century, a knight was given a pound of chocolate, perhaps to compliment his shining armor, when he received his dubbing!
Five hundred years later, the love of chocolate continues stronger than ever!
Although it would be impossible to present a detailed history, this timeline illustrates the development of the American candy industry from the 1800s onward. Of course, as you will see, many retro candies and their founding companies have come and gone.
Still, it is interesting that 65 percent of American candy bars have been around for more than 60 years, and giant conglomerates have acquired many original brands. We hope you enjoy the journey!
PS: The vintage picture above is our first candy showroom Circa. 1943
The 1800s
- 1847 Joseph Fry invented the first "modern" candy bar in England by mixing cacao butter, cocoa, and sugar into a paste and placing it in a mold.
- 1847 Oliver Chase invented the machine for cutting lozenges and hence, the fabled Necco Wafer was born.
- 1848 John Curtis produced the first branded chewing gum, made from tree sap, called The State of Maine Spruce Gum
- 1854 The first packaged box of Whitman's Chocolate hits the scene
- 1864 The first chocolate-covered liquid center cherry was invented by Cella's Cherries.
- 1868 Richard & George Cadbury, the second generation of Cadburys, makes the first Valentine's Day box of chocolates, starting the tradition that continues today
- 1879 William H. Thompson created Thompson Chocolate with the stated goal to "make only quality products."
- 1880 Wunderle Candy Company created candy corn which, over a hundred years later, is still a best-selling Halloween candy
- 1881 Reed's Candy Company opened its doors in Chicago and produced a butterscotch candy later called Reed's Rolls
- 1890 The Piedmont Candy Company, the manufacturer of Red Bird Peppermint Puffs, is founded in Lexington, North Carolina
- 1891 Claus Doscher opened Doscher Brothers Confections, and a few years later, after tasting taffy in France, the company introduced the famed French Chews
- 1893 Quaker City Confectionery Company, located outside of Philadelphia, presents Good & Plenty, which goes on to be the oldest branded retro candy still in production
- 1893 Milton Hershey attends the World's Colombian Exposition in Chicago and watches chocolate being manufactured. Ironically, the machinery manufacturer was a German company and gave Mr.Hershey a "great" deal, so they didn't have to ship the equipment back to Europe!
- 1893 William Wrigley, Jr. introduced Juicy Fruit Chewing Gum and Wrigley's Spearmint Chewing Gum
- 1893 Thomas Richardson, creator of Richardson Brands, presents Pastel Mints at a department store in Philadelphia, PA
- 1894 Milton Hershey created what is known as the first "American" candy bar, although his famous Milk Chocolate Bar won’t be invented for a few more years
- 1896 Leo Hirshfield, New York confectioner, introduces Tootsie Rolls, named after his daughter's nickname, "Tootsie." Learn more about this longtime favorite here.
- 1890 Legend has it that an unnamed Southern lady was making taffy but added the wrong ingredient resulting in the first batch of Peanut Brittle
- 1897 Candy Floss, also known as Cotton Candy, became mainstream because of the invention of the electrical cotton candy machine.
- 1899 The Jenner Manufacturing company is created. The name changes to Judson Atkinson 45 years later
The 1900s
- 1900 A significant year as Milton Hershey introduced a chocolate variation of what will eventually become Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar.
- 1900 Clark Gum Company introduced Teaberry Gum. Find out what flavor it tastes like and the dance craze inspired here.
- 1901 The King Leo pure peppermint stick candy is developed
- 1901 Multicolored candy disks called NECCO Wafers first appeared. The name stands for New England Confectionery Company
- 1902 New England Confectionery Company (NECCO) makes the first Conversation Hearts, which are still a thriving Valentine’s tradition
- 1904 Emil J.Brach invested $1000 to create the "Brach's Palace of Sweets, " thus, Brach's Candy was born. Learn more about this fabled American candy institution.
- 1905 Flush with the success of their Conversation Hearts, New England Confectionary Company, introduces another classic peanut butter candy called Peach Blossoms
- 1906 Spangler Manufacturing Company, known now as Spangler Candy, is created. The company got its start manufacturing baking soda products but added candy to its repertoire in 1908
- 1906 Hershey's Milk Chocolate Kisses appear in the iconic silver foil wrapping, and a town in Pennsylvania called Derry Church changes its name to Hershey
- 1906 The American Chicle Company introduced Chiclets, the candy-coated gum that uses chicle inside. To learn what exactly is chicle and where it comes from, click here
- 1907 After the great success of the Milk Chocolate Bar, Hershey introduced the beloved Hershey's Kisses. The original Hershey's Kiss was called Silvertops and sold as individual units (this first incarnation was discontinued in 1931)
- 1908 Hershey's adds almonds to its already famous Milk Chocolate Bar
- 1908 Theodor Tobler and his cousin Emil Baumann invented a delicious Swiss Milk Chocolate and Honey, and Nougat-infused candy bar called Toblerone.
The 1910s
- 1911 Ethel and Frank Mars opened a candy company in Tacoma, Washington. The company, later Mars, Inc., would become one of the largest, privately owned candy companies in the entire world
- 1912 Life Savers, reportedly named because of their resemblance to life preservers, are introduced in peppermint flavor. The five-flavor roll isn’t marketed for another 22 years
- 1912 The Whitman's Sampler box of chocolate debuts and is the first box of chocolates to include an index for chocolate lovers to pick precisely which piece they want to eat
- 1912 Goo Goo Clusters, a Southern favorite from Nashville, TN, is introduced. They were the first candy bar to combine milk chocolate, marshmallow, caramel, and peanuts and are the oldest "combination" candy bar in existence.
- 1914 The Heath Bar is introduced by L.S. Heath & Sons
- 1914 Mary Janes are created by Charles N. Miller in Boston, MA. Learn more about this nostalgic classic here.
- 1916 George DeMet introduces the Turtle, chocolate-covered caramel, and nut candy resembling a real turtle. Discover more about this creamy classic here.
- 1917 Goldenberg Candy Company, in Philadelphia, PA, creates the Goldenberg's Peanut Chews as a high-protein energy ration for WWI troops (they aren’t available to retail customers until 1921, however). The company sold and is renamed Just Born in 2003. Unwrap more about their fascinating history here!
- 1917 Created only a few blocks from our warehouse, David L.Clark created the Clark Bar. The crunchy Peanut Butter and Toffee candy bar lasted for over 100 years! A variation called Clark Cups was introduced in 2019 by Boyer Candy, but it wasn't until February 14, 2020, that the Original Clark Bar returned to the market. The soft launch occurred in Pittsburgh on Valentine's Day, true to their roots.
- 1919 Founded in a small garage in South Bend, Indiana, Claey's Candy introduced their classic hard candy candies using a homemade formula. One hundred years later, they are as popular as ever!
The 1920s
- 1920 Fannie May Candies opened its first retail candy store in Chicago
- 1920 Williamson Candy Co. introduced the O'Henry! bar
- 1920 Hollywood Brands introduced a white fudge candy bar called Double Zero Bar. The formula remained the same, but in 1934, the candy bar name was changed to Zero Bar
- 1920 Henry Heidi created Jujyfruits, which became an instant movie favorite. The chewy candy also made a cameo with Elaine from the hit show Seinfeld.
- 1920 Vincent Nitido invented the first variation of the Mounds Bar. The original candy was a solid piece that retailed for $.05
- 1921 Chuckles, colorful, sugared jelly candies, hit the scene
- 1921 Hershey automates its production process, and Hershey's Kisses are now machine-wrapped and adorned with a small "flag" on top
- 1922 Goldenberg's Peanut Chews, made in Philadelphia, PA, are introduced and soon take on a cult status with East Coast candy aficionados
- 1922 A West Coast company called Colby & McDermott introduced a taffy, and peanut butter candy bar called the Zero Bar
- 1922 The first variation of a gummi candy was introduced by (HA)n (RI)egel. It was called "Dancing Bear" and later became known as Gummi Bear. The company name is an acronym of his name and (BO)nn, Germany where the company was founded.
- 1922 The Fox Cross Candy Company created the Charleston Chew, inspired by the swinging Charleston dance.
- 1923 The Baby Ruth candy bar, named for President Grover Cleveland’s daughter, was introduced by Curtiss Candy Co.
- 1923 The Mounds Chocolate Bar, coconut filling coated in milk chocolate, debuted. Invented by Peter Paul Halijian, it sells under the name Peter Paul Mounds since Halijian is too difficult to pronounce
- 1923 Mars introduced the Milky Way Candy Bar, designed to taste like malted milk. It’s one of the first candies with a nougat center
- 1923 Hershey's Kisses become so popular that the Hershey Company registers the name for federal trademark protection
- 1924 A unique non-chocolate candy bar, with a sweet taste and taffy consistency, called Bit O Honey was introduced by the Schutter Johnson company of Chicago.
- 1924 Akron Candy Company creates Dum Dums lollipops. Discover more about this easy-to-say treat here.
- 1924 Fair Play Caramel Company introduces Kits and BB Bats Taffy. The brand has been sold to 6 manufacturers over the years but is still available.
- 1925 Henry Heide introduced Red Hot Dollars. Despite the name, the candy is Raspberry flavored. Unfortunately, it wasn't until the 70s that Red Hot Dollars became cinnamon flavored and lived up to their name.
- 1925 Hershey continued to innovate and introduced the first Milk Chocolate Bar with Peanuts, called Mr.Goodbar
- 1925 The honey-flavored taffy bar made with almond bits, called Bit-O-Honey, is introduced
- 1926 Milk Duds are first sold
- 1926 Squirrel Nut Zippers are introduced by Squirrel Brand. Find out its connections to Prohibition and a punk rock band here!
- 1927 McKeesport Candy Co. was established. Although not as crucial as introducing a new candy bar, we couldn’t resist including ourselves as we are one of the oldest wholesale candy companies in the nation!
- 1928 Primrose Candy Company is established, focusing on manufacturing hard candies
- 1928 Heath Bars appear as the first chocolate-covered toffee bars. These were initially only offered for home delivery since a dairy salesman sold them.
- 1928 Admiral Richard Byrd begins his legendary Antarctica expedition equipped with 2.5 tons of Necco Wafers
- 1928 An important year for any candy lover as the beloved Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were first marketed. They are still one of the best-selling candy bars of all time
The 1930s
- 1930 M&M Mars introduced the Snickers Bar, named after the Mars family’s beloved horse, and it is still one of the best-selling candy bars ever. Learn more about this famous bar here.
- 1930 D.L. Clark invents the Zagnut Bar. This candy bar was unique because it wasn't made with chocolate and is heat resistant.
- 1931 Tootsie Roll Pops are introduced, which some consider the first novelty candy since they combine two candies in one
- 1931 A lucky accident involving marshmallows at the Sifer’s Candy Company leads to the creation of the Valomilk Candy Bar, known initially as Valomilk Dips
- 1932 M&M Mars introduced the MARS Candy Bar, later renamed Snickers Almond Crunch in the late 1990s (but the formula never changed)
- 1932 Charles Howard creates Violet Mints in a New York industrial loft. Chowards were first sold on New York street corners, and the company later changed its name to C.Howards Company
- 1932 Ferrara Pan Candy Company, located in Chicago, introduces Red Hots. Find out more about this hot candy here.
- 1932 M&M Mars debuts the 3 Musketeers, featuring chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry nougat. This flavor combination will last 13 years
- 1932 Pierre Van Melle develops Peppermint Mentos in the Netherlands. It was until 1973 that new Mentos flavors were added.
- 1933 Kraft introduced a caramel-flavored candy that would eventually become known as Caramel Squares
- 1936 Breaking from tradition, William Luden, one of the creators of cough drops, introduced the 5th Avenue Candy Bar
- 1936 Marpo offered the first non-meltable ice cream cone called Marpo "Yum Yum" Marshmallow Cones
- 1938 Hershey introduced a candy bar that combines milk chocolate with Rice Krispies, called the Krackel Bar, consisting of Almonds and Crisped Rice. In 1943, due to wartime food rationing, it was changed to an all-rice formula
- 1938 Necco releases the Sky Bar, the first candy bar with four separate sections. Learn more about this revolutionary candy confection here!
- 1939 Hershey's Miniatures chocolate bars debut
- 1939 Overland Candy Company introduced chocolate-covered malt balls called Giants
- 1939 Blommer Chocolate Company opens a massive factory in Chicago, becoming the largest chocolate manufacturer in North America, making Chicago the candy capital of America!
The 1940s
- 1941 Bruce Murrie, the President of Hershey Chocolates, joins forces with Forrest Mars and opens a company called M&M Ltd
- 1941 M&M's Plain Chocolate candies were introduced, in six colors, in response to depressed chocolate sales during the summer months (these candies will melt in your mouth, not in your hands).
- 1940 Hershey produced a unique chocolate bar called the D Bar, which is high in calories and has a high melting point, designed as a survival ration for soldiers. It is wrapped in wax paper so that it will be impervious to poisonous gas, and to prevent soldiers from eating it too quickly; the flavor is bittersweet
- 1942-1945 To help maintain wartime morale, women at the Whitman’s Candy Company slipped notes to soldiers in boxes of Whitman’s Chocolate Samplers set to ship to the troops. The messages resulted in at least a few friendships and even a couple of marriages
- 1945 M&M Mars decided to change the formula for the 3 Musketeers Bar to one that’s all chocolate
- 1945 The Mason Company introduced Dots in strawberry, cherry, orange, lime, and lemon flavors.
- 1947 Topps Candy Company introduced Bazooka Bubble Gum. This iconic American confection would endure for 65 years until discontinued in 2012.
- 1947 Sol S. Leaf created Leaf Brands that produced Rain Blo Bubble Gum and Whoppers and Baseball Cards. By 1993, it was one of the largest candy producers in North America before being acquired by Hershey/
- 1947 Frankford Candy & Chocolate Company is founded in Philadelphia, PA
- 1949 Junior Mints are introduced
- 1949 Smarties candy roll wafers were introduced by Edward Dee, who moved from England to New Jersey. The company name was changed to Smarties Candy Co. in 2011. Become smarter on Smarties with our history page here!
- 1949 El Bubble Bubble Gum Cigars are the first five-cent bubble gum.
- 1949 Leaf Confectionery changed the name of a popular chocolate-covered malted milk ball from Giants to Whoppers. Learn more about its remarkable history here.
The 1950s
- 1950 Sam Altshuler created The Annabelle Candy Company, named after his daughter. His first product is the Rocky Road Candy Bar. Discover more historical facts here!
- 1950 Hoffman Candy Company invents the Cup-o-Gold Candy Bar. It was discontinued in 1989 when the company went out of business and reintroduced by Adams & Brooks in 2023.
- 1950 Although the exact year eludes us, Andrew Kanelos introduced the Ande's Creme de Menthe Thins, which were amongst the first "changemakers." To learn more, please click here.
- 1951 Gerald Prince of McKeesport Candy Co. introduces the nation's first prepackaged bag candy line called Todd's Kiddee Favorites. The name was later changed to Todd's Candy and then to Candy Favorites
- 1954 Just Born acquired Rodda Candy Company and invented Marshmallow Peeps in the shape of Easter chicks. Learn more about how Peeps were born here
- 1954 Flush with the success of plain M&M's, M&M Mars introduces a version with a peanut in the center, and the first M&M's characters appear in their marketing campaigns!
- 1950 Bobs Candy Canes are introduced, sold under the Cris Cringle brand
- 1952 Sunline Inc. introduced a powdery candy called Pixy Stix as a precursor to powder candies such as Fun Dip.
- 1952 Topps Candy Co. introduced the first comic character named Bazooka, The Atomic Bubble Boy, who Bazooka Joe later replaced
- 1958 Candy Necklaces are introduced, an enduring retro candy classic today
- 1958 Eric Bernat introduced bulk Chupa Chup Lollipops with a clear wrapper. It is not until 1968 that the labels become iconic.
The 1960s
- 1960 Looking to create a healthy candy, M&M Mars introduces Starburst Fruit Chews, which are later fortified with Vitamin C. They originated in the United Kingdom and were originally called Opal Fruits
- 1960 Although the exact date is unknown, Regal Crown Sours started trickling in from the United Kingdom, although they were initially made in Denmark.
- 1960 Amurol Confections introduce the first sugar-free bubble gum. They called it Blammo
- 1960 Based on the success of an earlier small malted milk ball type candy called Fivesomes, Leaf Confections invented Sixlets.
- 1961 General Mills patented the formula for Pop Rocks, but the product wasn't introduced until 1975. In 1985, it was taken off the market due to its short shelf life. In 1983 it was reintroduced as "Action Candy," and two years later, the name was changed back to Pop Rocks. Despite the urban myth, John Gilchrist, who was Mikey on the Life Cereal Box, did not die from mixing Pop Rocks and Coca-Cola.
- 1960 Ferrara Pan Candy Company presented Lemonheads and, later this same year, Apple Heads, Grape Heads, and Orange Heads
- 1962 Dan Pearson, the second generation of Pearson's Candy, introduces Nips Hard Candy. The packaging was inspired by high-end European confectionaries who were looking for candy that can be enjoyed during a work break hence the first flavor being Coffee. The brand has changed hands several times over the decades and is now owned by Brach's
- 1962 Hershey begins to sell Hershey's Kisses in colored wrappers
- 1962 Sunline Industry introduced Sweetarts, expanding on the popularity of Pixy Stix as they shared the same five fruit flavors.
- 1962 The Phoenix Candy Company, located in Brooklyn, New York, introduces a taffy and encourages consumers to "enjoy a piece now and save a few for later," aptly naming the product Now & Later
- 1963 Cadbury Brothers introduced a filled chocolate egg called Fry Creme Eggs. In 1971, the name was changed to Cadbury Creme Eggs, and an Easter classic was officially born.
- 1963 The Hershey’s Chocolate Company acquires the H.B. Reese Company for the handsome sum of $23 million
- 1963 Two scientists working in the space program left their day job and created a three-stage rocket-shaped lollipop known as Astro Pops.
- 1966 Fleer introduces Razzles, "First it's a candy, then it's a gum!" Get dazzled by this innovative candy's history here.
- 1966 The Campbell Soup Company acquires the Belgian Chocolatier Godiva
- 1967 Cadbury Mini Eggs were invented in the United Kingdom. The American version is licensed and manufactured by Hershey.
- 1988 Due to the popularity of Sweetarts, a candy-coated version called Spree Candy Roll Wafers was introduced.
- 1966 100 Grand candy bar is created. Find out how this candy was used in some mischievous pranks here.
- 1968 Zotz are introduced in Italy by GB Ambrosoli and imported to the United States by Andre Prost. They created quite a sensation as they were one of the first "sour fizzy" candies
- 1969 Chupa Chup Lollipops became an art form as the painter Salvador Dali designed the label. He insisted that the logo always is on the top of the wrapper.
The 1970s
- 1970 M&M Mars introduced the Snickers Munch Bar
- 1970 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups become so popular that the Hershey Food Corporation doubles its production to meet worldwide demand
- 1970 Frank Galatolie introduced a treat called Mars Men, which was only available in Canada. This "Sour then Sweet" treat later became Sour Patch Kids. Want to learn more?
- 1971 Ferrara Candy Company introduced panned candies called Alexander the Grape, Cherry Clan, and Johnny Apple Treats. These products were discontinued in the 1980s and, in 2020, returned courtesy of 1908 Candy Co.
- 1971 Nestle introduced Laffy Taffy, the taffy with a joke inside every package. Learn more about the hilarious history here.
- 1972 Nestle Wonka introduced a coin-shaped candy that came in five flavors, better known as Wacky Wafers
- 1973 Hershey opens the first candy-related theme park known as Hershey's Chocolate World
- 1973 Hershey becomes the first candy company to offer ingredients and nutritional information on wrappers
- 1973 Mars introduced eight-inch-long chocolate and braided caramel candy called the Marathon Bar. It was discontinued eight years later and is one of the most requested discontinued candies of all time.
- 1974 General Mills introduced a truly revolutionary new product called Pop Rocks. This led to a rumor that swept the nation. Curious? Learn more
- 1974 Chuckles jelly candy sponsors daredevil Evil Knievel. Discover more about this unlikely partnership here.
- 1976 Herman Goelitz Company introduced individually-flavored jelly beans called Jelly Belly
- 1976 Hershey decides to tweak the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup and offers a version with peanuts called Reese's Crunchy
- 1977 Hershey introduced a new variation of the "Great American Chocolate Bar" called Golden Almond
- 1978 Because of the massive success of Reese Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey’s introduces Reese's Pieces
- 1978 Although originally manufactured in the United Kingdom in 1937, it wasn't until 1978, courtesy of Hershey Chocolates, that Rolos were available in the United States.
- 1978 Cadbury Adams discontinued Beemans, Black Jack, and Clove Gum, only to reintroduce them in 1985 as part of a "nostalgic campaign". They were permanently discontinued in 2015 and reintroduced by Gerritt J. Verburg in 2019
- 1979 Mars Wrigley introduced Skittles Bite Size Candies to the United States even though they were available in 1974 in the United Kingdom. The Original Mix included Lime which was replaced by Green Apple in 2013. In 2017, Lime returned to the mix but soon disappeared. It returned to the mix with much consumer fanfare in 2022. Learn more
- 1979 M&M Mars introduced the Twix Caramel Cookie Candy Bar
- 1979 Looking for a whimsical way to help his daughter stop sucking her thumb, Frank Richards invented everyone's favorite lickable jewelry, the Ring Pop.
The 1980s
- 1980 Herman Goelitz Company introduced the first American-made gummi bears and gummi worms, which up to now had been imported from Europe
- 1980 Rob Nelson and Jim Bouton created Big League Chew, America's favorite shredded bubble gum. Learn more about its fantastic history here!
- 1981 M&M's, or as Nasa deemed them, "candy-coated chocolates", take a journey to the solar system aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia
- 1981 After their success in Europe, M&M Mars introduced Skittle Bite Size Candies to the United States
- 1982 Van Halen introduces the infamous "Brown M&M's Rider" into their concert contract, banning Brown M&M's from their dressing room. Find out why they did it here
- 1983 Albanese Candy is founded with the aim of producing the world's best gummi products.
- 1983 Angelo Fraggos invents Nerds, the crunchy little candy with a mysterious name. Learn more about Nerd history here.
- 1985 After a 122-year run, Cella's Cherries was acquired by Tootsie Industries. It remains the only cherry with a "liquid-filled center" available.
- 1986 Ferrara Candy adds Mr.Melon, a chewy watermelon candy, to their lineup.
- 1985 Sour Patch Kids migrated to the United States. Frank Galatolie invented them in the 1970s, but they were only available for purchase in Canada. So it wasn't until 2013 that Blue was added to the mix!
- 1988 Hershey’s Chocolate Company is renamed Hershey Chocolate USA
- 1989 Hershey introduces the Symphony Bar, a combination of almonds, toffee, and milk chocolate, thus taking the "Great American Chocolate Bar" to the next level.
The 1990s and beyond...
- 1990 Hershey sent 144,000 heat-resistant candy bars, called Desert Bars, to soldiers in the Gulf War. The formula is identical to what was sent to soldiers stationed in Asia during the Second World War.
- 1991 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups continue to be a worldwide favorite, and the recipe is improved with three times the amount of peanuts
- 1992 M&M Mars introduced the DOVE Dark Chocolate Bar and DOVE Milk Chocolate Bar
- 1993 Ferrara changed the name of Alexander the Grape, Cherry Clan, Johnny Apple Treats, and Mr.Melon to reflect their success with Lemonheads. The names were changed back in 2020 under the auspices of 1908 Candy Co.
- 1993 Hershey introduced Miniature Hershey's Kisses as well as white chocolate kisses called Hugs
- 1994 M&M Mars introduced Starburst Jelly Beans
- 1996 Nabisco introduced Creme Savers as an alternative to Lifesavers. Despite their popularity, they were discontinued in 2011 and didn't return under Iconic Candies bought the rights in 2021.
- 1999 Hershey Bars celebrate its 100th anniversary, earning them the title of the "Great American Chocolate Bar."
- 2000 M&M Mars finally shortened its name to M&M's. It only took 41 years.
- 2006 McKeesport Candy Co. launched, the FIRST Internet Candy Store. The site was so popular that the name was later changed to
- 2011 After a brief hiatus, Leaf Brands returns to the scene with Astro Pops, Tart n' Tinys, and Wacky Wafers.
- 2020 1908 Candy Co. brings back Alexander the Grape, Cherry Clan, Johnny Apple Tree, and Mr.Melon. Unfortunately, the candy was discontinued two years later!
- 2020 It's Sugar and Sugarfina filed for bankruptcy due to declining sales brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic
- 2021 Godiva Chocolate closes all of its 128 stores in North America. It is the first of many candy companies to close during the pandemic.
- 2022 M&M's introduce the color Purple to the mix, and October 13th is officially declared National M&M's Day!
- 2023 After 53 years, Toberlone removed the Matterhorn Mountain from its packaging as it is no longer manufactured in Switzerland.
As a memorial of sorts to candy no longer with us, we keep a list of Discontinued Candies that are gone but not forgotten. We bet you remember some of these gems, too.
Please note that this timeline is for entertainment purposes only, and while we strive for accuracy and like to think we know it all (our mothers think we’re pretty smart), we cannot guarantee all of the information here.