Almost 100 years after the real California Gold Rush, The Hoffman Candy Company created another kind of gold rush but this time, an extra sweet one.
The Cup-O-Gold candy bar came out in the 1950s from the Hoffman Candy Company, which invented all kinds of chocolate delicacies in the 1930s.
While the Hoffman Candy Company doesn’t produce Cup-O-Golds anymore, there are still efforts today to preserve their old building as a historical and cultural monument.
The Hoffman Candy Company was one of the earliest family-operated candy companies in Los Angeles, making history both within the city and the candy world. The Cup-O-Gold candy bar was part of why the Hoffman Candy Company thrived.

The Cup-O-Gold candy bar is a chocolate cup with a creamy marshmallow center. The chocolate, however, isn’t plain. Instead, it contains almonds and coconut. Like a Mallo Cup, the marshmallow center is sweet and cuts into its rich chocolate flavor. But, unlike a Mallo Cup, a Cup-O-Gold has a nutty twist that adds great flavor.
From Los Angeles, the biggest city on the West Coast, this candy became one of the top three candy bars sold in California from the 1950s to the 1970s. This candy was primarily sold in California and on the West Coast because it was beloved in the region.
Cup-O-Golds were sold until 1989 when the Hoffman Candy Company shut down and sold off the candies they owned.

However, Adams & Brooks, a company that traces its roots back to 1932, purchased the rights to this delicious candy bar and are selling Cup-O-Golds and other retro-inspired candies they own, such as Big Cherries, Whirly Pops, P-Nuttles, and more.
Cup-O-Gold is back on the market and we are proud to once again offer it on CandyFavorites. While it may be a West Coast delight, it will surely satisfy taste buds from every region.