Let me admit to something here; I am addicted to Tik Tok. Wow, does it feel good to get that off my chest! Now I may be a bit dramatic… but my Tik Tok addition has led me to a crazy candy showing up on everyone’s “for you” page. Curious? Read on.
Slime Lickers are the latest internet fad sweeping the globe! This liquid candy gives your tastebuds a sour explosion as you roll your tongue across the sphere-shaped top. It’s kind of like licking a lollipop, but different. These candies pack the sour punch and will leave you puckered up for sure. Slime Lickers come in an assortment of Blue Raspberry and Strawberry flavors, but be forewarned; this is NOT your everyday sweet fruity candy. The packaging does have a toxic waste warning – yikes - printed on the front, so I might consider that. (don’t let me scare you too much, it’s good, just VERY sour).
Where does Tik Tok come into play? What does scrolling hours on my phone through an addictive app have to do with sour candy?
Well, part of the Tik Tok algorithm is based on trends. Someone will see someone else do or try a dance or maybe food and decide to recreate that for themselves. So right now, Slime Lickers are one of the hottest trending topics! There are people all over the app creating short videos of them trying this new trending candy. My theory is people like the applicator and how you eat the candy by rolling it on your tongue.
But there is more to this trend than just people testing out the candy. Another trend has piggybacked off of just trying Toxic Waste Slime Lickers, filling the empty bottles, and eating other liquids off the rolling top. People have been trying water, juice, etc., to see if it will truly work. And if you are wondering, yeah, it does work, but let’s return to the original discussion. Slime Lickers are back, and the demand is high while distribution is low.
If we are lucky, we might get two or three cases a month, and, yes, we are frustrated by the lack of availability as you must be!
If you want to try to get your hands on a box, we would strongly encourage you to sign up for an “Out of Stock” notification that can be found on the product listing.
These super sour candies sell immediately - that might be an understatement - and this is your best, and perhaps only, way to try to snag a candy that has sparked one of the biggest internet crazes in quite some time.