Our new ongoing series will focus on Favorite Candy at CandyFavorites!
We will highlight an employee who shares their favorite treat each week and then tell you about its history!
This week, we chose JON PRINCE, the President of McKeesport Candy Co. and CandyFavorites.com.
Despite having thousands of candies to choose from, his favorite is LICORICE ALLSORTS, which ironically was a favorite of his father, Jerry Prince, the President of the candy store before him!
While Jon's favorite are the classic Licorice Allsorts made by Bassets, he also likes the Haribo version too!
Here’s what Wikipedia says about Jon's favorite candy....
Liquorice allsorts are assorted liquorice confectionery sold as a mixture. Made of liquorice, sugar, coconut, aniseed jelly, fruit flavourings, and gelatine, they were first produced in Sheffield, England, by Geo. Bassett & Co Ltd.
They go on to explain in great detail the history of the thing. I don’t think you need me to do that this time around. So, my focus is going to be on licorice itself.
What you need to know is that licorice.... Is amazing. I love licorice, Jon loves licorice, and you should too!
One of the great benefits of licorice is its stomach-soothing capabilities just a few bites of licorice can calm an aching tummy. It's a fairly widely known home remedy, but did you know that licorice (in an unsweetened form) is good for your teeth?
It reduces harmful bacteria in your mouth, helping to reduce the chance of cavities with proper home dental care. It also helps reduce the effects of gingivitis because of its anti-inflammatory properties, allowing you body's natural immune system to work more effectively.
One should keep in mind, this is the unsweetened variety and in moderation. But... it might be worth looking into -- keeping a bit of black licorice around your medicine cabinet.
You never know when it might come in handy.....
Signing off for now,
Your Peppy Candy Blogger
p.s. I’d feel remiss not to mention that people over the age of 40 should consult a doctor before consuming large amounts of black licorice due to its effect on blood pressure.