Craving the Creamy Caramel of the Cadbury Caramello Bar
by Becca Droz
Sharability: 2Denture Danger: 3Convenience: 4Novelty: 6Overall: 10
If you are one of those people that get a boosted ego from kids thinking you gave out the best candy on Halloween, then go out and buy a couple boxes of Caramellos. I don’t believe I’ve ever gotten a Caramello in my Halloween bag, but if I did I’m sure I was ecstatic.
This candy seems to have sort of flown under the radar and hasn’t quite made it to the popularity level of the Snickers, Reese’s, Kit Kat, Milky Way and those kinds of candies. But in quality, this Cadbury candy is at the same if not a higher level than those.
The Cadbury Caramello comes in four milk chocolate squares filled with a stringy almost liquid caramel. When you break one square off from the others, that string of caramel connects the two, and when you bite into one you usually can’t prevent a little caramel from sticking to your lips and chin.
I remember this as being my older brother, David’s, favorite candy and so naturally I wanted it to be my favorite candy too. That wasn’t too difficult to make happen. One bite into this milk chocolatey, creamy caramely piece of candy and I immediately fell in love.
And for those of you that pronounce caramel as carmel, here is proof that you are pronouncing it incorrectly. You don’t pronounce this candy as carmello, it is pronounced how it is spelled, carAmello.
Did not like the taste of the candy. They did not have a watermelon taste at all. Also. they were sugar-free. I might have chose the wrong candy when I ordered by mistake.
. I cannot eat sugar-free stuff