“A day without laughter, is a day wasted.” -- Charlie Chaplin
Don’t touch that dial, errr . . . I mean that remote. “It’s time for the Family Feud. Oh wait a minute, I mean the Candy Feud! Today we are going to have some fun with an old favorite game show that was first hosted by Richard Dawson back in 1976 and since 2010 is hosted by Steve Harvey.
Ready people? OK, here we go!
What’s the top answer to this question: Finish this phrase ________ basket.
Bread basket? Waste basket? Laundry basket? Picnic basket?
And the number one answer is . . . (at least in this blogger’s brain) . . . (drum roll please) . . . is Easter basket!
Alright, alright, I hear you! Yes, I do own a calendar and yes I do live in the present month (sometimes). And yes, it’s true that some days my thoughts are a little scrambled. Some days I honestly don’t know if I’m coming or going. But one thing I do know is that
Kinder Joy Eggs arrived in the U.S. and specifically to CandyFavorites. So let’s live dangerously and put all of our eggs in one basket to see if this cult favorite in Europe is all it’s cracked up to be! (Sorry. Some days I just can’t help myself!)
Kinder Joy Eggs
The Italian company, Ferrero manufactures the
Kinder Joy Egg, and this chocolate delight was invented by William Salice. The original Italian egg was called Kinder Sopresa, (sopresa meaning Italian for “surprise”). And that surprise inside is what is so unique and popular with kids and collectors about this confection.
Each Kinder Joy Egg is made up of two sides of the egg. One half consists of two creamy milk and white chocolate layers topped with two crispy wafer bites filled with cocoa cream. The other half of the egg holds the toy which varries from cars, to animals, to funny looking creatures, to Disney princesses, to Hello Kitty, to Fairies and Friends and a whole crate load of others.

Kind of like what Cracker Jack is to the U.S. but without the “candy-coated popcorn, peanuts and a prize!” Did you know Cracker Jack is over 120 years old and many of the metal toy prizes were made by TootsieToy who made the game markers for Monopoly? And during World War II the prizes were made out of paper.
And just for fun I thought I’d leave you on the “sunny side” with a little humor to go.
Why does a chicken coop only have 2 doors?
Because if it had 4 doors it would be a sedan!
What day of the week do chickens hate the most?
And last but certainly not least . . .
What did Snow White call her chicken?
Egg White!
Remember you’re never fully dressed without a smile! :)