Pez was probably my favorite candy growing up. There were so many cool dispensers and the pez just tasted so good. Plus it was pretty neat eating candy out of something's neck. My parents usually got me pez at each holiday. I always had a Santa or Rudolph dispenser at Christmas, and a bunny at Easter. Sometimes if my parents were feeling generous they would come home with a cool character for me and my sister. We used to trade different characters all the time.
But pez isn't just for kids. Sure parents don't go around buying their own pez dispensers, but they always find a way to eat some. For example, my father. We actually have the following event on video camera. My parents liked to tape everything around the holidays.
It was Easter morning, and I was about 4 years old. I had gotten the usual gifts of candy and books, and of course a new pez dispenser with pez. Being four, I hadn't yet mastered the talent of loading the dispenser with the pez. My uncoordinated fingers tried, but I was failing miserably. My dad said he would load it for me. He opened the pez and loaded the dispenser, but made sure to eat a few in the process! On the video tape you could hear my mom yelling at him to stop eating my candy. I couldn't blame him though. Everybody loves pez!
Until next time, this is Kandy K....stay sweet!
Check out all these new pez dispensers! Click Here
My all time favorite (besides Wacky Wafers). These candies were tart and not rock hard. The last time I've seen these was at a dollar store and I bought the whole box. I really wish they would come back!
I've loved this candy my whole life. This latest box I got. Most of the ones I have tried are less than fresh. They are hard to eat. For almost $70, they should be better. One was missing. Only 23 bars in this box.