When Christmas time rolls around, there’s one major food-related item that’s always on our minds. Have any guesses? We’ll give you some hints. It’s spicy, sweet, and although it is completely edible, we don’t usually end up eating it. Have a hunch? Well, if you thought ‘gingerbread houses’ then you’re entirely correct!
This time of year, families and friends come together to decorate adorable and tantalizing gingerbread homes for the holidays. Whether they’re big or small, they’re always a fun way to occupy a few hours and fill the house with lots of holiday cheer.
But this tradition didn’t just pop up overnight. On the contrary, it’s been around for quite a while. Food history is always a treasure trove of information, as most food traditions have some winding and unexpected pasts. If you’re looking to uncover the very beginning of gingerbread, you’ll have to go back quite a few years.
Gingerbread was baked in Europe for the first time in the 11
th century. However, the crusaders, who brought the idea back with them, first came across this treat in the Middle East, where it is said to have been enjoyed, long before the Crusaders arrived.
Luckily, we don’t need to go back quite so far to understand the origins of the gingerbread house. This confection came onto the holiday scene in Germany in the early 1800’s. Many food historians agree that the gingerbread house was inspired by Hansel and Gretel; the famed fairy tale from the Brother’s Grimm, where two children stumble upon an abandoned candy house.
Now all of those candies we use to decorate our ginger bread houses make sense, right? And if you’re decorating an edible home for the holidays, you’ll want to make sure you bring only the best of the best.
Luckily, we’re here to make sure all of your gingerbread house-decorating needs are satisfied.
If you’re anything like us, then you know that a bulk order is the only way you’re going to have enough candy for everyone
and their gingerbread houses, too!
Fruit slices will add a pop of color, while
cinnamon imperials will turn up the heat! And everyone knows that a gingerbread house wouldn’t be complete without
gum drops, right?
M&Ms are always a welcome addition. And
Nonpareils are a great way to add a little more glitz to your edible home.
We have all of your favorite festive candies to help make this year’s gingerbread house even more attractive and delicious than last year’s! So what are you waiting for? When you check out our bulk section, you can see for yourself.
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