If you were asked to think of a few of your favorite classic candies, what would come to mind Well, if you are like many, then
Banana Splits,
Canada Mints,
Candy Buttons,
Conversation Hearts,
Clark Bars,
Coconut Crunch Peanut Butter Logs,
Malted Milk Balls,
Mary Janes,
Mint Juleps, Peach Blossoms,
Sky Bars,
NECCO Wafers and
Wintergreen Lozenges may be some of your initial thoughts. But can you guess what all of these candies have in common? As it turns out, they’re all made by New England Confectionery Company, better known as
A Company that Has Stood the Test of Time
The first of their products to hit the market was the NECCO Wafer. Way back in 1847, Oliver Chase created a lozenge cutter that was to become the nation’s first candy machine--and the equipment that made the NECCO Wafer possible. Chase soon joined forces with his brothers to market their sweets across North America.
Despite two factory fires and the possibility of losing their business entirely, the brothers persisted, forming partnerships with companies local to the New England area. This dedication paid off, and in 1901, over 50 years after the first NECCO Wafer was produced, the New England Confectionery Company (NECCO) was born.
Since that time, the company grew, adding in popular treats of all varieties and expanding its reach far beyond the borders of North America. In its 117 year history, NECCO has satisfied countless sweet tooth cravings, creating cult favorites that candy lovers of all ages could not live without. Simply put, NECCO established itself not just as a candy company, but as an American Institution and household name for generations of candy lovers young and old. Few companies can boast of such a storied history or product line up!
This Candy Giant’s Future is Uncertain
And yet, it seems the old saying might be true: all good things must come to an end. Recent buzz in the candy world indicates that NECCO could be going out of business, and taking its successful candies with it. Having represented so many great brands through its impressive history, the loss of NECCO would certainly be a major upset in the candy world.
After all, what would Valentine’s Day be without Conversation Hearts? And what could possibly replace the goodness and convenient variety of a Sky Bar? If the rumors are true, then fans of the company’s sweet treats may just have to find out.
We never like to be the bearers of bad news and know that this update may hit close to home. So as we consider the potential end of an era, will you join us in "keeping your fingers crossed" and reflecting on your favorite NECCO memories? Which candies have you cherished, and how has the company made your life a little sweeter?
Feel free to let us know in the comments below.
It breaks my heart that NECCO wafers will be gone as well as Valentines hearts. I am 61 and enjoyed these since I was a kid. Keep the MARS bar and make the others again…
..please. I am begging you. I cant eat a lot of other candies. But all the ones I can are being taken away. So not fair
I love hearing memories associated with candy as it is one of those unique products that bridge the gap between then and now! We love Necco Wafers and were truly saddened by the demise of one of America’s oldest candy manufacturers! The candy may be gone but the memories live on forever.
When I was in first grade, in 1956, one day at recess, a girl named Sherre pushed me down into a mud puddle. I cried and cried because I was all muddy. A man named Mr. Bush (I don’t know what his position was in the school) came to the playground and led me into the school and into a room from which candy was sold over a divided door with the top half open. He took me past the door and into the room and let me pick any candy I wanted. There were boxes of all kinds of candy stacked in there. I chose Necco wafers. I loved all the pretty colors. I felt well compensated and my tears were quickly ended. And after getting cleaned up and going back to the classroom, I told Sherre that just because she pushed me down I got free candy!
I was sooo sad to find out about Necco Waffers. I sent my husband to buy me some at the local market last week and that how I found out they are out of production! But the next thing i figured out was actually devestating. I know it’s silly, it’s candy but my absolute favorite candy ever is Mighty malt Easter eggs. I love the mini ones most of all. I anxiously await Easter every year so I can enjoy my favorite candy. Last year I was pregnant right after Easter so I was hunting them down online like a mad women. I have seriously been looking forward to this Easter more than I’d care to admit just to get my hands on that delicious candy. Went to the store after Valentine’s Day and it was nowhere to be found. Still showed OOS everywhere online so I started researching and found out they are made by Necco, I didn’t cry but I wanted too. No other malt balls compare! Whatever "chocolate" they used is amazing, the taste is just perfect. And Iv tried a lot of different malt balls, nope not the same. What do they they use on the outside of the Easter eggs? It’s not regular chocolate. I guess I will have to just stick to plain malt balls with no chocolate covering. I tried buying some on eBay at inflated prices and half the malt balls were bad. I hope the company that bought the rights to the candy decides to make them again and doesn’t change the recipe! I’m just sad everyone here thinks I’m ridiculous. :)
We totally agree but if you act quickly, you might want to purchase a few as we just discovered a case in the basement at www.candyfavorites.com!