It’s time to get creative and have fun with our costumes as Halloween approaches. We’ve created four unique and sweet-themed ideas to inspire any candy lover’s Halloween look.

Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins
It’s impossible to trick or treat without getting Reese’s—unless you are allergic. They are one of the most popular Halloween candies, so we had to create a costume inspired by them.

Cow Tales always leave you wanting MOOre, so we decided to make our second costume inspiration based on the iconic caramel and creme candy.

M&M’s marketing campaigns and packaging feature their adorable spokes candies, so we think they are perfect for a Halloween costume. So pick your favorite M&M and dress up as them this year!

This costume is a perfect combination of being educated and sweet. So pick your other favorite nerd because this costume is ideal for any duo, just like a box of Nerds.
All these costumes can be put together with a few easy pieces or clothing you have around your house. It’s that simple! Let us know what you are dressing up as this Halloween and if you feel super SWEET in any of our costume ideas.