In this, every day feels like Monday, a world in which we are currently living, we are all looking for something new and amusing to add variety to our days.
Need something new to satisfy your sweet tooth? Lucky for you, you came to the right place. Many new and unique products will be heading in our direction in the next few months, so we thought you might enjoy a preview of sweet things to come. Feel free to sign up for an Out of Stock notification, which can be found on every product page, and be the first amongst your friends to try these new candy variations!

First up is the Whozeewhatzit bar from Hershey’s! This bar is the first cousin to the Whatchamacallit bar and the first new bar introduced by Hershey in a decade, so it is worth all the hype. The unique name - same it three times fast - was given to the bar by social media contest winner Lisa M. It is the perfect bar to take “on the go” due to it being on the lighter side, with a thin layer of chocolate coating covering the compact rice crispy inside. A bar with a name like Whozeewhatzit will drive curiosity, so make sure to put it on your shopping list.

Next, let’s showcase a familiar favorite, but with a twist: Snickers White. Each candy bar is filled with the classic Snickers fillings of nougat, peanuts, and caramel (and we wouldn’t have it any other way), but enjoy these bars with rich, creamy white chocolate instead of the usual milk chocolate. This bar is the perfect treat to expand your chocolate catalog.

Now you would think for us here at Candyfavorites.com; we would choose sweets every time. But with the new Milkyway Salted Caramel Bars, we don’t have to (thank g-d ‘cause I’m super indecisive, it’s the Libra in me). This Milky Way comes packed with sweet caramel, tasty nougat, and crunchy salt. It is the perfect addition to add to your classic Milky Way bar and satisfy all your tastebuds.

Efrutti Cheesecake Gummi Candy
It is hard to find new gummy candy that matches the favorites that we already know and love. Still, Efrutti Gummi Cheesecake might earn a spot on your list with all its delicious flavor. This candy will make you feel like you enjoy a sweet piece of cheesecake on a night out to dinner. It is the perfect gummi candy for dessert and comes in three delightful cheesecake flavors. There is no need to drive to the bakery and pick up a whole cake when you can enjoy Efrutti Gummi Cheesecakes in the pleasure of your own home.

So we have introduced Efrutti Gummi Cheesecake, but this product might make you start craving other bakery treats. What do you do? No worries here! With the Efrutti Gummi Bakery Shoppe Bag, you get the whole bakery in bite-sized gummy candy pieces. No more hassle of choosing your favorite baked good; just come over to Candyfavorties.com and pick up this bag of treats. Whether you want donuts, cupcakes, or cheesecake, it all comes in the Efrutti Gummi Bakery Shoppe Bag and is sure to curb your craving.

Haribo Gold Gummi Bears Summer Edition
When it comes to gummy bears, we all know Haribo does them the best. And Candyfavorites.com now has two new additions to the Haribo Family. The new Haribo Gold Gummi Bears Summer Edition is here, along with their Funtastic Mix. The Gold Bears Summer Edition is full of new juicy flavors of watermelon, peach, passion fruit, mango, lime, and cherry, all in their original gold bear shape. The “funtastic” mix is full of juicy fruity flavors, and the gummies are all dinosaur-shaped… talk about funtastic. Both products will have you in a gummy coma, and I don’t see anything wrong with that.

Kit Kat Key Lime Pie and Kit Kat Fruity Cereal
These next two candy bars show how creative Kit Kat likes to get. The Limited Edition Key Lime Pie and Fruity Cereal Kit Kat bars are two new flavors you will surely love. On one side, there is a new dessert bar with key lime cream flavoring that covers the original crispy wafer. Biting into the tart key lime creme with the crispy wafer will remind you of the flaky crust you find on a yummy key lime pie. On the other side, you have half a candy bar and half breakfast with fruity cereal flavored creme (with specs of real fruity cereal throughout, may I add) covering the classic crispy wafers. Need a twist on your regular Kit-Kat? We have got you covered!

The final new item in this bunch is a fresh take on a candy aisle staple, Skittles Gummies. The formula is simple, all of your favorite skittle colors but in juicy gummy form. This will take your Skittle eating experience to the next level, and there isn’t much more to say. Gummy candy is super in this year, so hop on the trend!