It's easy to overlook amongst the sweet corn, watermelon, and barbecue of summer, but
Patriotic Candy is an integral part of the American tradition. As July 4th approaches, make sure to stick a pin in all your colorful ideas for later this year.
Executive Jelly Beans
One of the most incredible stories in American candy history is that of the
Blueberry Jelly Belly.
When he was governor of California, Ronald Reagan developed quite a love for pectin jelly beans. Around the time of Reagan's inauguration, Jelly Bellies only came in red, yellow, white, orange, and black. The Blueberry Jelly Belly was formulated specifically to match the red, white, and blue color scheme of the celebration!
During his time as President, Jelly Bellies were a standard part of doing national business. President Reagan kept a jar of them on his desk, and he even sent some to space as a surprise for the astronauts!
Show Your Colors

It may not be election time yet, but after a sweltering summer, November will be here before you know it. Plan an election party in advance so you and your friends can look forward to some solidarity in being either completely overjoyed or woefully, bitterly disappointed. No matter the color of your state or your side of the aisle, we have fun candies that will show where you stand.
Republican and
Democrat buttermints are emblazoned with the logos of their respective parties. When things get ugly, it's much more fun and friendly to whip candies at your enemies than to start slinging mud. After all, you are the one hosting this party, right?
Mix and Match
When it comes to red, white, and blue candy combinations, the possibilities are endless. You can put together a candy buffet or decorate your desserts with patriotic pearls. To see all the options in this Democratic Republic rainbow, check out our
candy by color sections.
Resources Consulted in this Article
- http://greathistory.com/president-ronald-reagan-and-blue-jelly-beans.htm
- http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/reference/jellybellies.html