There is nothing like a complete sugar rush. I'll admit, it's been a while. Getting a sugar rush usually relates with being a kid, but I think adults could so with a sugar rush every so often too! So what is the best candy for a sugar rush you ask? It's something that you probably ate as a kid. They aren't as popular now what with all the new fangled sugar candy around. But as they say, oldies are goodies!
It's all about the Pixy Stix!
There's nothing better than ripping off the top and pouring all that flavored sugar in your mouth. It turns your tongue fun colors and it gives you pure energy for about half an hour....well maybe more depending on how many you eat at one time! I also always loved the really long and wide ones that you sometimes got at Halloween. That thing could last the whole day! Some days I really miss being a kid. Those carefree afternoons spent in the sun in my self-induced sugar high. Perhaps I'll take a day this summer to sit by the pool and eat Pixy Stix all day long. Should be fun, until I get sick of course, but it'll be worth it! So go out and get your long overdue sugar rush!
Until next time, this is Kandy K......stay sweet!!
Need some
Pixy Stix?