Sharability: 1
Denture Danger: 9
Convenience: 10
Novelty: 9
Overall: 10
I predict that this Limited Edition Caramel Tootsie Roll Pop won’t be limited for long. The caramel flavor is perfect for the Tootsie Roll Pop and I am just wondering what took them so long to create this flavor.In my humble opinion the caramel flavor is the tastiest flavor of all Tootsie Roll Pops.
I noticed that I don’t usually look at the Tootsie Roll Pop wrapper. Since I was treating this as a new candy I took a gander at the wrapper and there is a lot going on there.
Pictures of little kids playing with balls, swimming, playing tennis and marbles, driving cars, riding bikes and skateboards, if I didn’t know better I’d think that it was the wrapper of some sort of power bar for kids.
I guess the same kinds of kids that like to be active and play sports are the kinds of kids that like Tootsie Roll Pops.
I was happy to find someplace that still sold these do I bought a few of them.... 480 to be exact. that should last me for a few weeks
My all time favorite (besides Wacky Wafers). These candies were tart and not rock hard. The last time I've seen these was at a dollar store and I bought the whole box. I really wish they would come back!
I've loved this candy my whole life. This latest box I got. Most of the ones I have tried are less than fresh. They are hard to eat. For almost $70, they should be better. One was missing. Only 23 bars in this box.