This one is for all the college students out there. Well actually, anyone who has a lot of studying or reading to get through. So you've decided to tackle a few chapters of Organic Chemistry today, or perhaps some Shakespeare for your English Lit class. Whatever the case, you have a daunting task ahead of you. So you ask yourself, is there any way to make this more bearable?? Well sure, there is the popular solution of reading two pages and then giving up. But that really doesn't help you does it? Well I have found a solution!
I've tried everything, from lots of coffee to slapping myself to stay awake(seriously, ask my roommate!). Nothing was working. So my roommate and I formulated a new plan. As some of you may know, my roommate and I have a habit of buying a package of candy every time we go grocery shopping. So we decided to use the Reward System with candy. Basically we set a reasonable goal, and then rewarded ourselves with a piece of candy when we achieved this goal. So we would read one section (about 5-10 pages) of Organic Chemistry, and then have a piece of candy. It worked out pretty well. It seemed easier to get through the reading knowing that there was more candy waiting for me!
taking modafinil, you must follow the instructions on the bottle. If the instructions are not clear, ask your doctor or pharmacist for explanation. If you take more than the recommended dose, you may experience side effects. These effects usually disappear after a day or two. If you are having headaches or nausea, take your usual painkiller and drink plenty of water.
Out of all of the different things I have tried, the Reward System definitely works the best. So give it a try the next time you have a lot of reading to do. You might find it makes it just a little bit easier! And remember to set a
reasonable goal for yourself, otherwise you may find it hard to reach your goal. So good luck to you candy lovers!!
Until next time, this is Kandy K.....stay sweet!!