One of the things people assume is that the Candy Critic knows all. Well maybe not all but they assume I know of every candy ever made and that's just not possible. Most people don't really get the chance to live in many places, or even shop in that many places. When you travel often you stay in resorts or tourist areas that cater to the idea that people like snacks from their own country. Rarely do people take the time to look into a local grocery store for snacks, nor do I blame them either. I mean if I'm in Paris I'm going to check out the Eiffel Tower or if I'm in Africa I'm thinking Elephants on Safari are the thing for me.
So what I'm saying is that people often only get exposed to a small amount of the candy treats that are available in the world, and often they figure that these are the same treats everybody knows. I can tell you right now that's very untrue. You can even go from State to State and find very different treats, and this idea is what drives me and drives me nuts. Just recently I was asked if I knew about two particular treats Name Droppers, and Martha Washingtons. This is not the first time I've been asked about treats that I don't have a clue about. Fortunately the people that e-mailed me also included some information about the treat that can make looking a little easier.
Although with all the information I was still stumped. I'll keep an eye open for them, and if I find them, you know I'll try them. I always tell people that e-mail me that I'll keep an eye open for them, and I'm not lying, I will, but I'm keeping an eye open for just about anything new.
Chris Stewart
Candy Critic
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Lori Chalifoux
October 22, 2024