Black licorice is one candy that has a pretty bad rep, but also a die-hard fanbase. Now, you may be thinking the only people who are hardcore licorice fans are your grandpa and the old lady across the street with one too many cats. But licorice fans are everywhere, they just may be the silent majority. If you think about it though, it would be nice to enjoy black licorice that is covered in something sweet, like a colorful candy outer-shell. Now, with the return of Licorice Snaps, you can.
Introduced in the 1930s, by the American Licorice Company, The Original Snaps Chewy Candy became one of America’s favorite chewy candies. The American Licorice Company was born in 1914 out of Chicago, Illinois, and hit the streets with their first item which was licorice twists, then candy cigarettes, and soon after, Licorice Snaps. Times were tough due to the depression, and people needed their candy fix to give them a moment of sweetness even if it was only for a couple of minutes.
These colorful bite-sized candies were packaged in a bright red box that would catch attention from anyone’s eye. The candies themselves were a mixture of bright pastel colors including red, green, white, and orange. When they first graced the shelves, you could buy a box of these for only 2 cents! I have never seen a bargain that good in my entire 22 years of living, dang inflation.
Snaps have had their struggles though. Over the years Snaps changed its original formula to something slightly different. Customers have said it is still good, but there is something missing. Maybe it was the novelty of the original flavor that reminded people of overcoming the challenges that the country was first facing when these little candies were introduced? Or maybe people just didn’t like this new formula? The new bags read “same great flavors, softer, chewy center,” which may not have been the case. Snaps were discontinued in 2001, but because of an uproar from loyal fans, the brand has been bringing back these old fashioned favorites for the holiday season.
So listen up lovers of licorice, Snaps will be back in stock soon! Yes, the black licorice pieces coated with colorful hard candy, will soon be making their long-awaited debut! So get ready to fill your carts with the comeback candy of 2020! Sign up HERE and be the first to get your hands on the Holy Grail of candy!