When it comes to Halloween candy, McKeesport Candy Co’s motto is: The creepier, the better.
Wicked Sweets
By Colleen Heavens

For more than eight decades, McKeesport Candy Co. has stocked up on ghoulishly good treats and as the years go on, the candy only gets more ooey, gooey and gross – in a devilishly delicious kind of way, of course. This candy warehouse on Fifth Avenue in McKeesport is one of the oldest candy wholesalers in North America and boasts an extensive online inventory.
The candy company offers around 2,800 different type of sweets, from funky and rare novelties to classic favorites. And with the onset of Halloween – the motherload of all candy related holidays – the warehouse is stocking up on tens of thousands of pounds of Halloween staples such as candy corn, gummy worms and chocolate skeletons.
If you’re looking for creepier treats for your Halloween bash, go for gummy toes and fingers, chocolate ears and teeth or Ratz, rat-shaped lollipops in red or green with sour dip that pops as you eat it. As far as items such as Cricket Lickit Lollipops, we’ll just say that these quirky “treats” made from actual insects are not for the faint of heart.
There are plenty of Halloween specialties for those with not-so-gory tastes, too, like Pumpkin Patch Orange Pop Rocks and ghosts and goblin Pez dispensers. McKeesport Candy co., goes beyond the fun-sized candy bar, bringing you delicious Halloween sweets that both trick and treat.
Visit CandyFavorites.com to check out the company’s Halloween catalog, or stop by the warehouse Mon. – Friday. 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., at 1101 Fifth Avenue in McKeesport; 412 / 678-8851