Welcome to Chromatica ladies and gentlemen, where no one thing is greater than the other. Now, to some of you, this may mean absolutely nothing, but to others, it may be their world. Chromatica is the title of Lady Gaga’s most recent album released last May and is also the name of the planet she created to go with the concept of this album. The overall message of this album is following the pursuit of self-healing and also exploring the idea of unwavering happiness. And what better way to heal the self and remain happy… than by eating delicious cookies.
So why am I bringing up cookies? I thought we were discussing the upbeat synth and booming bass lines of Chromatica. Well yeah, we are, but we are also talking about the awesome fact that Lady Gaga has partnered with Oreo to release… drum roll please… Limited Edition Chromatica Oreo’s. These Oreo’s aren’t your everyday, regular cookie aisle Oreos. These Oreos are from Chromatica and are ready to give you a cookie experience you have never had before.

When you open the metallic, hot pink package, you are met with pink-colored Golden Oreos, with a green cream filling. Each cookie has replaced the usual Orea branding with the Chromatica album cover picture, the heart icon from Gaga’s single “Stupid Love,” or just the word Chromatica written in block letters. Each cookie may seem like it has a wild flavor that isn’t like any other Oreo, and maybe that is the case on Planet Chromatica, but here on Earth they taste like Golden Oreos, which are still delicious.
These cookies are in high demand, considering that Lady Gaga fans (the Little Monsters, to call them by their fandom name) worship everything the woman touches. Make sure you get them as soon as they arrive on Candyfavorites.com because I’m almost positive these will sell out right away. So if you are Gaga’s biggest fan or just a casual listener there is no reason why you can’t press shuffle on the Chromatica album, dance like you are in the club, and indulge in a sleeve of Chromatica Oreos… or two sleeves.