Hi, I am Hannah Brelsford, and I am a writer for Candy Favorites* I love to be creative, write, and eat candy, so this job seemed like the perfect fit for me. My goal is to add variety to the blog through a mix of product reviews, musings, and articles about the History of Candy which is a focus of the website!
A love for sweets I have had ever since I was young. Stockings filled with candy surprises to the brim, rewatching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, wishing so badly that I too would find a golden ticket one day, and taste testing candies with my family.
Here is my candy profile to tell you all that I love about sugar to get to know a bit about my sweet tooth!
If you read my previous work, you know that I am Reese’s lover and a Butterfinger hater! I know it's weird they both are peanut butter sweets, but there is something about the crisp layers that I just don’t like in Butterfingers.
So far, in my time at CandyFavorites, I have written about everything from Easter candy reviews to the history of Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews.
Like it said in my candy profile, one of my favorite things to do and my sweet dream is to go to different countries and try their candies. I think it’s so fascinating that other places serve different candies, and it’s so fun to try new sweets.
That’s one thing that I love about working for Candy Favorites: I get to meet new candies and try them. So far, in just my few months here, I have tried dozens of new candies that I never even knew existed and learned so much about them.
I wanted to be a blogger when I was younger because I loved to write. Now don’t get me wrong, I was terrible at writing, but it sounded so fun to share my experiences with the world through my work. So now I get to do that in an extra sweet way, and the novelty never wears off.
I have really discovered my passion for writing through blogging for the website. What I like to write. What I don’t want to write, and to be completely honest, writing a blog post about my favorite candy is much better than writing an essay for history class.
Here’s my personal profile for you to get to know me beyond just my sweet tooth. Believe it or not, there is more about me than just my sweet tooth!
It’s been fun recently to add a new part to my personal profile, being a “Candy Blogger.” Some people tell me how lucky I am to have such an exciting job, while others ask to test some of my candy!
I have a pretty sweet life, and this writing job n has just made it even sweeter! Check out all that I have written on my candy journey, and keep checking back to see all to come. :)
- Editor's Note - Our hats are off to Hannah for her creative approach to candy and taking our blog to the next level. We hope you enjoy reading her articles as much as we enjoy posting them! Most of Hannah's creative work can be found in the blog but her more extensive work can be found in our Candy in Pop Culture Section.
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