Some things are hard to believe and disbelief was the first thing that crossed our minds when we read that Brach’s Butterscotch Disks are being discontinued. We thought it might be a typographical error and then checked the prescription in our reading glasses.
After a few phone calls and emails, we realized this was not “fake news,” and that this beloved candy was soon to enter the realm of memory. Being one, if not THE oldest wholesale candy distributors of Brach’s Candy, we were heartbroken but, sadly, have seen this happen all too many times before.

Many years ago, the first product we offered on the internet, Ice Blue Mint Coolers, was discontinued, and many candy lovers' hearts shattered. We still can't understand their decision as demand was so high, and requests for this long discontinued candy still arrive daily.
Cherry Twisters disappeared as did Special Treasures Butter Toffee. Brach’s Neapolitans suffered a similar fate. These were candies our grandparents grew up with and shared with later generations, and products such as Dem Bones were teaching tools used for learning. These candies were delicious, historic, iconic, and Brachs was a brand as "All American" as Apple Pie.
Brach’s Malts are no longer produced and 2019 was the first holiday season we didn’t offer a variation of Brach’s Villa Cherries, aka Cherry Cordials, and now Butterscotch Disks are slated for extinction. It’s sad and NOT a sign of progress in the right direction. Could this be the end of a candy era?
Please share your thoughts about your favorite Brach's Candies and we will forward this to their marketing department. It may not bring about change but it will undoubtedly preserve sweet memories.
PS: One last shipment of Brach’s Butterscotch Disks is heading in our direction. Please sign up for an out of stock notification to be notified when they become available.