We want your online shopping experience to exceed your expectations and are concerned for the safety of our customers, whether you purchase from us or through a third-party provider such as Amazon.
Please be aware that our candies may contain or come into contact with common allergens, such as dairy, eggs, wheat, soybeans, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish, or wheat, and that manufacturer formulations may change formulations without our knowledge.
Allergen Facilities:
While some manufacturers produce product allergen-free candies or manufacture in a facility with no cross-contamination, we need to be forthright that we DO NOT package candy in a facility free from cross-contamination, and any packaging or product may have been in contact with Dairy, Peanut, and Tree Nut byproducts either in the delivery or manufacturing process.
Due to liability reasons, we cannot provide allergy information on our website. However, if you need ingredient listings, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will be happy to provide them upon request.
We also put disclaimer on all third-party items such as potato chips and snacks as well as anything that is custom packed. Better safe than sorry...
If in doubt, we encourage you to contact the manufacturer and purchase from a store that deals exclusively in allergen-free products.
We appreciate your understanding and remain at your service!