Occasionally, your beloved candy may taste or appear different from how you remember it in your childhood.
While this can be disappointing, it doesn't necessarily indicate that the product is defective or expired.
Let us explain!
Many candies, especially old-school varieties that have survived the test of time, may have changed over the years. However, nothing is static, which surely applies to the candy industry, where corporate consolidation has become the norm.
Some brands, like Brach's, have changed ownership multiple times. Brach's Cherry Cordials are a prime example of a product that was revamped as "new and improved," yet also discontinued without any announcement. Sadly, this has happened to far too many candies in the past few years.
Old-time holiday favorites such as Peppermint Straws or Filled Candies are
another example of an enduring but slightly different holiday favorite changed by time, if only because they have been around for over 100 years!
Beemans, BlackJack, and Clove Gum vanished for a while, only to reemerge with a new formula produced in different facilities. Similarly, beloved treats like Marpo Cones and Nips have also experienced changes in ownership
These products will still bring joy to yet another generation – after all, we are talking about some of the oldest chewing gum brands in history – but, yes, it does taste slightly different. Call it progress or a sign of the times.
Candies such as Angel Mints, Marpo Cones, Marshmallow Peeps, Peppermint Puffs or Satellite Wafers, or any candy with a thin outer shell such as M&M's or a Chiclets type chewing gum may taste different due to changes in the environment.
In humidity, a marshmallow-based candy might be softer, and they will undoubtedly be harder when exposed to cold temperatures. It is the nature of their ingredients.
Often, a variety pack will have an uneven distribution of colors or flavors.
This occurs because the manufacturer blends all the varieties together, and the spread of colors or flavors ends up being more random than intentional.
We all enjoy childhood memories of sweet treats, but with age comes change.
Over time, our sense of smell and taste changes, and that can cause an edible product to taste different. However, it doesn’t necessarily detract from good memories; it just makes them slightly different.
We store all products in a temperature-controlled warehouse and inspect them before shipping.
As we are not a manufacturer, we rely on their information, such as expiration dates and formula listings, to ensure your candy is in perfect condition when it begins a journey to your home.
For health and insurance reasons, we refrain from selling outdated products or those made from old formulations.
While it's bittersweet to see products evolve - or devolve depending on how you look at it - it's comforting to know that many beloved classics remain available, even if they're a bit different from our memories.